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Red Light Therapy For Back Pain

Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, is a treatment that uses low-frequency red and near-infrared light to promote healing and improve various health conditions.

Some studies have shown that red light therapy can be effective in reducing back pain and improving mobility.

One study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that red light therapy was effective in reducing low back pain and improving functional ability in people with chronic low back pain.

Another study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that red light therapy was effective in reducing pain and improving mobility in people with chronic low back pain.

Red light therapy works by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation in the body. This can help to reduce muscle pain and stiffness, and improve overall function. Red light therapy can be applied to the affected area using a handheld device, like the Vivz Light Pad, or a larger device such as a bed or lamp.

It is important to speak with a healthcare provider before starting red light therapy for back pain. They can help you determine if it is appropriate for you and advise you on the best way to use it.

Red light therapy is generally considered safe for most people.

In summary, red light therapy may be an effective treatment option for people with chronic back pain.

While more research is needed to fully understand how it works, it appears to be a safe and effective option for many people.